Moraine Hero Award 2010
It was synchronicity.
Just after the stunning vote in council chambers on August 3rd, 2010 that effectively put an end to the Millbrook Water Diversion Project, an email notice arrived from Eco Spark announcing that nominations for the Moraine Hero Awards were being accepted.  This award is sponsored by EcoSpark and STORM Coalition. The Moraine Hero Awards have the financial support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation, Mountain Equipment Co-Op and the Oak Ridges Moraine Foundation.
"The Monitoring the Moraine Hero Awards are given to recognize and celebrate people who make the Oak Ridges Moraine a better place."
The residents of Cavan Monaghan leapt to the occasion and a record 78 nominations were filed. On October 13th, citizens involved with the It's About Water Campaign were notified that they had been awarded the Moraine Hero Award as Community Champions.
Besides a lovely hardcover book, a paving stone engraved with It's About Water Campaign will be laid at the Ganaraska Forest Centre located in Hope Township.
From the programme handed out at the award ceremony held on November 6th, 2010.
Community Champions: People of "It's About Water Campaign".
Over 2000 Millbrook and area residents came together in the year-long It's About Water Campaign to successfully halt the proposed Millbrook water diversion project. Citizens and groups opposed to the proposal to pipe water from the Moraine to service development 12 km away wrote letters to experts, politicians, environmental groups and local council. They signed petitions, engaged several environmental groups, held demonstrations, public information meetings and fundraisers, and sent a record breaking number of EA Part II Order requests to the Ministry of the Environment. The water diversion proposal was defeated by a vote of 3-2 on August 3rd, 2010.
It's About Water Campaign participants are an inspiring example of community champions who came together to protect an important Oak Ridges Moraine water resource.