More Wind News - On Local Wind – Important Notice

The community is being slammed with again – like the Settlers Landing project, the Snowy Ridge wind project has also just been posted to the EBR for public comments.

  • Anyone may submit comments
  • Consider submitting on every concern – post a concern a day
  • There is no limit on how many times one can register comments
  • There is no limit on the length or content
  • One does not have to live in the project area in order to comment
  • Deadline for Settlers Landing Comments October 5th; Snowy Ridge October 13th.
  • Settlers Landing is public comment number EBR 012-2374; Snowy Ridge is EBR 012-2430
There are no parameters or limits to what form submissions can be sent to the EBR. One can send a sentence, an essay, comments in point form, photos, charts, videos etc, etc. etc. and can there is NO limit to how many comments or how many times one can submit comments.    
Three Ways COMMENTS can be Submitted - One may submit post multiple submissions to the EBR
One. One can post a comment directly to the EBR registry. Click on this link for Settlers Landing : and this link for Snowy Ridge
On the right hand side, there is a Submit Comment button which leads one to a form to fill out. One must fill out contact information, but this is not revealed to the public. Do not post your personal information in the Comment area. Once you have posted your submission,  press the SAVE button which appears at the bottom of the page.  A page will appear with your comment. You can copy the entire page and then send a copy to yourself afterwards as a record. The other way to save a copy is after pressing the SAVE button is using the option PRINT button also found at the bottom of the page so a copy can be kept for your records.   Your comment will be assigned as indicated above – A Comment Number.
if posting on the EBR website take note of your comment number. When one submits a comment to the EBR a comment number is issued...  such as this example .. keep the Comment Number and sent that number to Manvers Wind Concerns and Heather Stauble – let them know for which project the comment number applies.
The comment for this EBR notice has been successfully received in the system.
Please print for your records.
EBR Registry Number: 011-7696
Comment ID 153856
Contact name: Jane Doe  
Organization n/a  
Home address: 1234 Main Street  
City: Smalltown
Province: Ontario

Two. One can also send comments directly via email  to the MOE adjudicator - remember to put EBR 012-2374 for Settlers Landing or EBR 012-2430 for Snowy Ridge  in the subject line – for both projects, the adjudicator is Neil Hannington:
Three. One can send comments by mail or fax to:
Neil Hannington
Senior Project Evaluator
Ministry of the Environment
Operations Division
Environmental Approvals Branch
2 St. Clair Avenue West
Floor 12A
Toronto Ontario
M4V 1L5
Phone: (416) 326-6111
Fax: (416) 314-8452
Toll Free Phone: (800) 461-6290

The following are sample letters all are welcome to copy, edit, reassemble etc. and post to the EBR many, many times – flood the MOE:
Photomontage of how a turbine will appear from Highway 7A looking south towards the Settler Landing project (courtesy Y. Storm)
Settlers Landing sample letter:
Approval of the application for the Settlers Landing project must be denied for the following reasons:     
- construction of the project will cause  irreversible degradation of the environment and local ecosystems including a Significant Woodland part of the designated Fleetwood Creek Woodland
- the proponent has failed to provide requested hydrological studies to the City of Kawartha Lakes
- hydrological studies are of paramount importance due to long history of water issues that have affected the residents of Pontypool
-  there is the real possibility of irreparable damage to, and contamination of, the diverse surface and ground water systems in an area designated as one of High Vulnerability
- the destruction of government-protected habitat known to contain species at risk thus threatening the recognized biodiversity of the Oak Ridges Moraine which is to be protected
- multiple negative impacts on human health as a result of unpredictable and intermittent noise produced  - several current peer reviewed scientific research papers demonstrates this clearly – the topography of the area creates variable pockets of noise
- the proponent did NOT provide a noise study previously, although asked for numerous times over the past 4 years – the public and the City of Kawartha Lakes were told that a noise study was not required for the Settlers Landing project
– there has been no public consultation with the proponent  regarding the ‘new’ noise report
- there has been no consultation with the City of Kawartha Lakes and the proponent regarding the ‘new’ noise report
- the proponent failed to include a noise receptor in the new noise report -  a receptor that includes a commercial enterprise which employs outside workers  
- the  new cumulative noise study omitted a noise receptor within the cumulative zone
-  Settlers Landing, Snowy Ridge & Sumac Ridge projects must be considered as one project as indicated in the original 2009 study area – the mandated noise setbacks for large project of 15 turbines should be in force – not the lesser setbacks for a 5 turbine project
 - low frequency and audible noise pollution and shadow flicker will not only affect residents and elementary schoolchildren but will negatively alter the peaceful and non-industrial aura of the region
- light pollution will affect the night skies and disrupt nearby residents as well as the residents of Pontypool
- the turbines are located close to Highway 35 scheduled for widening due to increased traffic volumes  – the turbines will be a distraction for drivers and the flicker effect will pose a traffic safety hazard
-  wind turbines do catch fire which both the proponent and manufacturer acknowledge - fire is a prominent concern for area residents and businesses considering the project will be monitored from a remote location
- the disruption of cell and satellite reception by the close proximity of the turbines to the Xplornet tower – this problem has not been resolved
- the project will serious economic harm to the estimated 100 million dollar investment in the Buddhist Cham Shan - the Settlers Landing power plant will not only interfere with religious and spiritual practices – the visual pollution will prevent the completion of  the mega-project
- the proponent is aware of the negative impact the Settlers Landing project will have on the Cham Shan project, but there is no mention of that impact or meeting with the Buddhist community in the Consultation Report
-contrary to the proponent’s Consultation Report, public meetings were filled to over capacity – it was made clear that the Settlers Landing project was NOT welcome in the community – the Consultation Report fails to mention that over 5000 names were signed to a petition seeking the cancellation of the Settlers Landing project
-  the proponent did not advise those who will be most affected by construction of the Settlers Landing project that discussions have been ongoing for a capacity funding bursary and an economic partnership for the project with certain First Nations. This non-transparent negotiation will lead to feelings of ill will between non-aboriginal and First Nations excluded from this potential financial agreement.
- the Consultation Report fails to report the degree of objection by the City of Kawartha Lakes to the power plant project
-over 5000 letters of objection to this project have been filed with the Ontario government
- the loss of land use in and around the Settlers Landing project area will limit future economic  development in the Pontypool area – this area is targeted to be a ‘growth’ region
- devaluation of property not only in the immediate area but throughout  the region as already occurred; the project will be clearly visible and imposing for several miles away - the magnificent vistas and proximity to several nearby urban centres in the area makes it attractive for residential development – there are several recent studies that indicate property values surrounding an industrial wind project fall between 20 to 40%
- the value of many classified vacant lots located within the project area have been placed in jeopardy
- the property of a participating landowner which is hosting three of the turbines has been listed for sale –  the sale or non-sale may lead to unexpected complications
- the high potential for negative economic impacts to local tourism venues which play an important economic and social role in the community – Pontypool is a gateway to the Kawartha Lakes tourist region
- the project will cause financial hardship and place a strain on municipal services including emergency services
- the Settlers Landing project has changed hands from Wind Works (formerly Amex Gold) /Sunbeam/Natenco toEnergy Farming Gbh (Germany) to Energy Farming Ontario – to Zero Emission People to Sprott toReD, and now Capstone Wind Works – there is no confidence or assurance that the project will not be flipped once it is completed
- new owners will not be under the same obligation to fulfill the promises made by Capstone, financial and otherwise
- it will  prevent of opportunities for  smaller local initiatives and microFIT projects by the use of local transmission infrastructure by this large scale project as well as the three other wind developments proposed for the same area burdening the community with unnecessary power infrastructure  as well as soaring electricity costs for homes and small businesses
The Settlers Landing project will cover  a vast scenic landscape  and will dramatically and negatively alter the historic rural and natural character of this area. It will negatively affect the government protected Oak Ridges Moraine. It will negatively affect the economic stability of the region. It will deter economic expansion and growth. It will cause grave economic, social, cultural physical, environmental harm for little benefit.
The Settlers Landing  project area is not suitable  for a large scale industrial energy project.
Please remember to send/save a copy to yourself and at the very least, please copy Councillor Heather Stauble: and/or Manvers Wind Concerns at:
Three sample letters for Snowy Ridge:
Photomontage view of the Snowy Ridge project from 8 kms away in Yelverton – (courtesy Y. Storm)
Sample Letter One
The Snowy Ridge project will not benefit or enhance the economic, cultural, environmental or physical health of the community – instead it will negatively impact a close-knit rural community in many ways.
The Snowy Ridge project will be partially constructed in an area that is to be protected by government legislation – The Oak Ridges Moraine. The construction of an industrial project of this magnitude will cause serious and irreparable harm to the delicate  ecology and complex hydraulic cycle of the Oak Ridges Moraine.
There are multiple springs throughout the Snowy Ridges project area, significant water features that will be put at risk through construction methods inviting potential irreversible interference and/or contamination issues.  The water assessment prepared for the proponent contains contradictory, sketchy and inconclusive information. The water assessment report did not examine in depth the complex connection of Moraine based surface and groundwater sources to the complex nature of the two area watersheds. The project will be constructed in an area designated High Vulnerability and there is the possibility that water sources will become compromised and/or contaminated. None of those who prepared the water assessment are qualified hydrologists or hydrogeologists. There is no hydrology report.
The project calls for the removal of a large amount of vegetation including hedgerows and a woodland,  all which provide not only habitat for a wide variety of wildlife but also play a crucial part in the local ecology and hydraulic cycle in the project area. 
The consultants’ surveys were relatively superficial, characterized by short visits and short observation periods that failed to identify much of the flora and fauna present in the area including species at risk already known to local residents.  An independent avian bird survey conducted in 2014 revealed three species at risk birds breeding within 120 m of the sites for three turbines although the proponent claims there is no candidate habitat.
The health and safety of area residents will be put at risk from accidental fire, oil spills, blade throw, blade icing, flicker shadow as well as the audible and inaudible noise created by the turbines. The hilly terrain will distort noise levels.  Hundreds of children at the two elementary schools, several with medical conditions and disabilities, will be exposed to noise and flicker. Many of those children will also be exposed to the same effects at home. The flicker shadow effect will adversely affect traffic safety along Hwy 7A which is a  busy thoroughfare and is used as a tourist  route.   
The project is within the flight zone of CFB Trenton as well as Peterborough airport. The turbines to be constructed on such a high elevation threatens the local aviation industry.  Aviation issues have not been addressed.  The possibility of interference by the close proximity to both Bell and Rogers cell towers has not been satisfactorily addressed.
Already there are indications the resale value of residences in the area have been negatively affected by the Snowy Ridge project. The project  will curtail future residential development in this area targeted to be a growth destination under the PPS. It will adversely impact the local tourist industry as well as hamper future development in the village of Bethany. The Snowy Ridge project threatens the completion of the 100 million dollar Cham Shan Buddhist mega-project that has been in the works for many years. This long-term project, unique in the world, would have afforded many long-term economic
The project will prove to cause financial hardship for residents as well as a financial burden on the City of Kawartha Lakes. Sections of the Snowy Ridge project involve alteration of municipal property. The proponent has not received permission to alter municipally owned property. The project has changed hands numerous times over the past four years which does not instill confidence in future financial commitments or commitments to the public or the City of Kawartha Lakes.
The proponent did not consult with the public in a meaningful fashion. The public meetings were fraught with problems. Residents attended the public meetings in record numbers but representatives were often unable to answer questions or refused to do so. Thousands of letters of objection have been registered with the Ontario government. There is little public confidence that the current proponent will be available and willing to deal with post-construction problems as well as the decommissioning of the project.
The Snowy Ridge project area is NOT the appropriate site for this industrial energy project.
Sample Letter Two
The Snowy Ridge industrial wind project must NOT be approved  for the following reasons:
Worldwide, scientific research recognizes increased audible noise and inaudible low frequency noise levels adversely affect wildlife and human health. The wind turbines will increase both levels of noise within this quiet rural community.  Ambient rural noise levels in the Snowy Ridge project area are around 20 dBA. As a rule of thumb, a doubling in the loudness of sound occurs with every increase of 10 dB in sound pressure.  O. Reg 359/09 allows ground sound levels of 40 dBA  -  a dramatic increase that will adversely affect many home owners, farm operations as well as commercial interests and two public schools. The proponent measured ambient levels right by Highway 7A instead of the in quieter more appropriate location.
A noise receptor – a residence - within the mandated 550 m setback has NOT been accounted for; instead the proponent has labelled this receptor as being a ‘vacant lot’.
Sleep disturbance is the number one health complaint from those living among existing wind power plants. Sleep deprivation leads to other health issues. Errors in judgement and accident rates increase with inadequate sleep and fatigue.  Research confirms that medical illnesses are destabilized by fatigue secondary to inadequate sleep. Diabetic blood sugars become labile, cardiac rhythms become irregular, migraines erupt and increase in intensity, and wound healing is retarded. Psychiatric problems intensify. Mood disorders become more extreme and psychotic disorders more severe with a lack of sleep. 
Children with inadequate sleep perform poorly academically, emotionally and physically. There are two public schools within 1000 to 1500 metres of the turbine sites.  Many of these children will be exposed to noise and flicker shadow both at school and in their homes. The World Health Organization recognizes that impulse noise such as produced by industrial wind turbines is more harmful than continuous noise.  The WHO also recognizes that chronic exposure to infrasound as created by the  Snowy Ridge turbines will cause important long-lasting health impacts.
The World Health Organization recommends a night-time noise time limit inside a residence at a level of no more than 30 dba.  The Green Energy Act allows a limit of 40 dBA. There is no accepted standard method to measure noise compliance by the developer – something the MOE is well aware of. Noise emissions from the transformer station will contribute to an increased overall noise level. There are several residences within close proximity to the site of the proposed transformer station as well as the turbines. The proponent has not decided what model of transformer will be used and thus can not accurately predict noise emissions.
Pilgrims from around the world and local attendees at the Cham Shan Buddhist retreat require very low ambient noise levels in order to meditate and pray.  A Buddhist retreat in Scotland had to be abandoned because of the proximity to a wind development.
The software  the developer is using to model noise levels, Windpro, was developed to measure noise terrain in Europe, not the rolling and steep hills of the Peterborough drumlins and the unique topography found on the Oak Ridges Moraine.  The health of hundreds of local residents will be put at risk by the construction of this project.
Sample Letter Three:
Negative impacts from the industrial wind development Snowy Ridge include:    
- the degradation of the environment and local ecosystems
- the destruction of  government-protected habitat known to contain species at risk thus threatening the recognized biodiversity of the Oak Ridges Moraine
- irreparable damage to and contamination of the diverse surface and ground water systems in an area designated as one of High Vulnerability
- light pollution that will affect the night skies for miles around
- serious threats to local air traffic safety as well as military air traffic from CFB Trenton which make daily use of the airspace in the Snowy Ridge project area
- the disruption of cell and satellite reception by the close proximity of the turbines to Bell and Rogers  transmission towers – this problem, to date, has not been resolved
- multiple negative impacts on human health as a result of unpredictable and intermittent noise produced  - several current peer reviewed scientific research papers demonstrates this clearly
- medical threats to children exposed to audible and inaudible sounds as well as flicker shadow both at school and at home
- serious interference with spiritual activities conducted by pilgrims, attendees and residents of the Buddhist Cham Shan retreat by increased audible and inaudible sounds produced by the wind power plant
- low frequency and audible noise pollution and shadow flicker will not only affect residents and elementary schoolchildren but will negatively alter the peaceful and non-industrial aura of the region
- serious economic harm to the multimillion investment  in the Buddhist Cham Shan retreat including several satellite properties – real estate that covers approximately 7800 acres; the power plant will interfere with religious and spiritual practices – the proponent  has been well aware of the Buddhist mega-project but has not consulted with this group
-the Minister of Energy who has met with the Cham Shan Buddhists has promised more meetings before the Snowy Ridge project is posted for public comment; these meetings have not taken place
- the loss of land use in and around the Snowy Ridge project area will limit future economic  development in the area – this area is targeted to be a ‘growth’ region
- devaluation of property not only in the immediate area but throughout  the region; the project will be clearly visible and imposing for several miles away - the magnificent vistas and proximity to several nearby urban centres in the area makes it attractive for residential development – there are several recent studies that indicate property values surrounding an industrial wind project fall between 20 to 40%
- the high potential for negative economic impacts to local tourism venues which play an important economic and social role in the community
-financial hardship and strain on municipal services including emergency services
- the proponent did not advise those who will be most affected by construction of the Snowy Ridge project that discussions have been ongoing for a capacity fundingbursary and an economic partnership for the project with certain First Nations. This non-transparent negotiation will lead to feelings of ill will between non-aboriginal and First Nations excluded from this potential financial agreement
the Settlers Landing project has changed hands from Wind Works (formerly Amex Gold) /Sunbeam/Natenco toEnergy Farming Gbh (Germany) to Energy Farming Ontario to Zero Emission People to Sprott to ReD, and now Capstone Wind Works – there is no confidence or assurance that the project will not be flipped once it is completed
- new owners will not be under the same obligation to fulfill the promises made by Capstone, financial and otherwise
- over 5000 letters of objection to this project have been filed with the Ontario government
-the  prevention of opportunities for  smaller local initiatives and microFIT projects by the use of local transmission infrastructure by this large scale project as well as the three other wind developments proposed for the same area burdening the community with unnecessary power infrastructure  as well as soaring electricity costs for homes and small businesses
The Snowy Ridge project will cover hundreds of acres and will dramatically and negatively alter the historic rural and natural character of this area. It will negatively compromise the government-protected Oak Ridges Moraine. It will negatively affect the economic stability of the region. It will deter economic expansion and growth. It will adversely affect the ecology of the area. The project will adversely affect the health of local residents and tourists that visit the area.
The Snowy Ridge project area is not suitable  for a large scale industrial energy project.
Sample letters and more information and examples will be posted shortly on the Manvers Wind Concerns website…. Very long technical submissions for both Settlers Landing and Snowy Ridge have been prepared that all will be welcome to use for submissions…and will be posted in the following weeks.   
MANVERS WIND CONCERNS – Check for updates
As the Stoneboat group  CavanSAYS NO stated in their recent e-blast… “Their fight is our fight too. Let's stay involved.”




Settlers Landing Oak Ridges Moraine Wind Project - posted to EBR for Public Comment 


Site of the Settlers Landing project just southwest of the Sumac Ridge project and across from the village of Pontypool.


How many industrial wind turbines and how many thousands of trees including trees in designated Significant Woodlands will be cut down. How many miles of roads will be allowed to be constructed on the Oak Ridges Moraine?


The answer seems to be - the number is endless…  The Settlers Landing project map above (the green shaded areas are woodlands that will have to be cleared to make way for the turbines, construction areas and 2.5 km of 7 metre wide access roads (from Project Description Report))  “The lands on which Settlers Landing Wind Park project components are proposed are designated as “Countryside Area” under the ORMCP. A small amount of “Natural Linkage Area” and “Natural Core Area” is also present in the study area.”(also from Project Description Report)



Despite the Settlers Landing application sitting in the office of the MOE for well over a year (first filed in April 2013), numerous comments of objections, petitions etc., with the expectation that the application would be returned as being incomplete and thus denied, the MOE has seen fit to deem the Wind Works aka Sunbeam aka EFO aka Zep aka Sprott aka ReD aka Capstone Settlers Landing wind project application complete and has posted it on the EBR for public comment.


Comment Period: 60 days: submissions may be made between August 06, 2014 and October 05, 2014.


All comments received prior to October 05, 2014 will be considered as part of the decision-making process by the Ministry of the Environment if they are submitted in writing or electronically using the form provided in this notice and reference EBR Registry number 012-2374


The link to the EBR posting below, where, like the Sumac Ridge project, one can simply click on the Submit button located on the right hand side and register comments – a reminder  - there is NO limit to the number of comments or times one can comment:


One can also email comments directly to the evaluator – remember to put EBR 012-2374 in the subject line:


Or, one can send comments by mail to:


Neil Hannington
Senior Project Evaluator
Ministry of the Environment
Operations Division
Environmental Approvals Branch
2 St. Clair Avenue West
Floor 12A
Toronto Ontario
M4V 1L5
Phone: (416) 326-6111
Fax: (416) 314-8452
Toll Free Phone: (800) 461-6290


All documents and reports for the Settlers Landing project can be found on the Capstone website:


Whichever way comments are sent, please DO send a copy to COKL Ward 16 Councillor Heather Stauble at:


More to follow in this week’s regular Update..




The Sumac Ridge ERT


An IMPORTANT REMINDERthe Sumac Ridge Environmental Review Tribunal,  the fight to stop the first industrial wind power plant on the Oak Ridges Moraine, resumes with a teleconference call that all are welcome to listen to:


The Tribunal will be proceeding with another status update call on Wednesday August 13, 2014 at 10:00 a.m.

To access the call please dial as follows:


Local Dial in Number: (416) 212-8014

Toll free Number: 1-866-500-5845


Followed by:

Conference ID: 3 5 0 7 4 6 7 #


If conference ID not accepted, press the “#” key 3x (# # #) for live tech support.  If tech support is needed while in the call, press zero.


If you plan to listen in, please remember to mute your phone so background noises are not heard by the Tribunal. If your phone does not have a Mute button, pressing *6 (STAR 6) will do the trick. Press *6 again to un-mute the phone or hang up.


This call might reveal the fate of Turbine # 1 that the Director of the MOE, now MOE & CC, has indicated is within the mandated 550 m audible noise setback.  wpd Canada was to address this issue over the past few months to the satisfaction of the Director. The noise receptor within the mandated setback was pointed out in photos and maps to the MOE by several individuals when the project was posted to the EBR for public comment. The MOE decided at that time to IGNORE public comments and approve the project which has led to this costly appeal. If the MOE had listened to the public back in the spring of 2013, all of this could have been avoided.


The costs being incurred in this appeal are astronomical. Local residents appealing the approval of the Sumac Ridge project need your help - in any amount.  Manvers Wind Concerns has 3 ways to donate to the legal challenge.




A) If you have online banking, set up as an email recipient. Then go through the simple process to send us a contribution to the legal fund. 


B) CRITICAL :Then send a second email directly to us indicating that you contributed and give us your security question answer that we will need to deposit the money into the MWC legal account.


If the contribution is over 500.00 our Treasurer will track your contributions in the event that a percentage refund will be available if by some miracle we overfund this legal effort.



OR : Mail a cheque to Manvers Wind Concerns , 1450 Highway 7A, Box 14, Bethany, ON , L0A 1A0.





 Drop by the TD Canada Trust in Bethany and they will take your cheque to "Manvers Wind Concerns."

TD Canada Trust

1475 HWY 7A
Bethany, On.
L0A 1A0

 General account # 2098-5000522



Why help in the effort to stop the Sumac Ridge  project when the project is not in your area?


Because - as some found out last year, a new large scale wind project like Stoneboat can suddenly pop up almost anywhere.


The OPA is now accepting applications for their new program called the LRP - Large Renewable Procurement.


One can see in the maps below the target locations for new wind energy projects (in green - including all of the Oak Ridges Moraine) in order to meet the government’s procurement goal of 300 MW of wind projects in the year 2015 – that’s the equivalent of 150 2MW wind turbines or 30 projects similar to Snowy Ridge, Sumac Ridge and Settlers Landing. The green area in the second map narrows the target area for new projects.


The OPA has instituted new financial screening rules under the LRP so that companies such as Wind Works aka EFO aka ZEP and MKI will find it difficult, if impossible to secure contracts. Financial considerations and difficulties resulted in the cancellation of the Wind Works Collie Hill, Clean Breeze Grafton, Clean Breeze Centreton, Whispering Woods (and its reincarnation as Stoneboat) projects. A lucky break for area residents – but new projects will be under the auspices of energy players with very deep financial pockets – likely companies such as Transalta, Nextera, Brookfield, Suncor, GE, Brookfield, wpd, and Enbridge to name a few. It will be unlikely that projects approved in the next round of contracts will be cancelled because of financial difficulties.  





