Settlers Landing Oak Ridges Moraine Wind Project


Site of the Settlers Landing project just southwest of the Sumac Ridge project and across from the village of Pontypool.


How many industrial wind turbines and how many thousands of trees including trees in designated Significant Woodlands will be cut down. How many miles of roads will be allowed to be constructed on the Oak Ridges Moraine?


The answer seems to be - the number is endless…  The Settlers Landing project map above (the green shaded areas are woodlands that will have to be cleared to make way for the turbines, construction areas and 2.5 km of 7 metre wide access roads (from Project Description Report))  “The lands on which Settlers Landing Wind Park project components are proposed are designated as “Countryside Area” under the ORMCP. A small amount of “Natural Linkage Area” and “Natural Core Area” is also present in the study area.”(also from Project Description Report)



Despite the Settlers Landing application sitting in the office of the MOE for well over a year (first filed in April 2013), numerous comments of objections, petitions etc., with the expectation that the application would be returned as being incomplete and thus denied, the MOE has seen fit to deem the Wind Works aka Sunbeam aka EFO aka Zep aka Sprott aka ReD aka Capstone Settlers Landing wind project application complete and has posted it on the EBR for public comment.


Comment Period: 60 days: submissions may be made between August 06, 2014 and October 05, 2014.


All comments received prior to October 05, 2014 will be considered as part of the decision-making process by the Ministry of the Environment if they are submitted in writing or electronically using the form provided in this notice and reference EBR Registry number 012-2374


The link to the EBR posting below, where, like the Sumac Ridge project, one can simply click on the Submit button located on the right hand side and register comments – a reminder  - there is NO limit to the number of comments or times one can comment:


One can also email comments directly to the evaluator – remember to put EBR 012-2374 in the subject line:


Or, one can send comments by mail to:


Neil Hannington
Senior Project Evaluator
Ministry of the Environment
Operations Division
Environmental Approvals Branch
2 St. Clair Avenue West
Floor 12A
Toronto Ontario
M4V 1L5
Phone: (416) 326-6111
Fax: (416) 314-8452
Toll Free Phone: (800) 461-6290


All documents and reports for the Settlers Landing project can be found on the Capstone website:


Whichever way comments are sent, please DO send a copy to COKL Ward 16 Councillor Heather Stauble at:


More to follow in this week’s regular Update..





The community is being slammed with again – like the Settlers Landing project, the Snowy Ridge wind project has also just been posted to the EBR for public comments.

  • Anyone may submit comments
  • Consider submitting on every concern – post a concern a day
  • There is no limit on how many times one can register comments
  • There is no limit on the length or content
  • One does not have to live in the project area in order to comment
  • Deadline for Settlers Landing Comments October 5th; Snowy Ridge October 13th.
  • Settlers Landing is public comment number EBR 012-2374; Snowy Ridge is EBR 012-2430
There are no parameters or limits to what form submissions can be sent to the EBR. One can send a sentence, an essay, comments in point form, photos, charts, videos etc, etc. etc. and can there is NO limit to how many comments or how many times one can submit comments.    
Three Ways COMMENTS can be Submitted - One may submit post multiple submissions to the EBR
One. One can post a comment directly to the EBR registry. Click on this link for Settlers Landing : and this link for Snowy Ridge
On the right hand side, there is a Submit Comment button which leads one to a form to fill out. One must fill out contact information, but this is not revealed to the public. Do not post your personal information in the Comment area. Once you have posted your submission,  press the SAVE button which appears at the bottom of the page.  A page will appear with your comment. You can copy the entire page and then send a copy to yourself afterwards as a record. The other way to save a copy is after pressing the SAVE button is using the option PRINT button also found at the bottom of the page so a copy can be kept for your records.   Your comment will be assigned as indicated above – A Comment Number.
if posting on the EBR website take note of your comment number. When one submits a comment to the EBR a comment number is issued...  such as this example .. keep the Comment Number and sent that number to Manvers Wind Concerns and Heather Stauble – let them know for which project the comment number applies.
The comment for this EBR notice has been successfully received in the system.
Please print for your records.
EBR Registry Number: 011-7696
Comment ID 153856
Contact name: Jane Doe  
Organization n/a  
Home address: 1234 Main Street  
City: Smalltown
Province: Ontario

Two. One can also send comments directly via email  to the MOE adjudicator - remember to put EBR 012-2374 for Settlers Landing or EBR 012-2430 for Snowy Ridge  in the subject line – for both projects, the adjudicator is Neil Hannington:
Three. One can send comments by mail or fax to:
Neil Hannington
Senior Project Evaluator
Ministry of the Environment
Operations Division
Environmental Approvals Branch
2 St. Clair Avenue West
Floor 12A
Toronto Ontario
M4V 1L5
Phone: (416) 326-6111
Fax: (416) 314-8452
Toll Free Phone: (800) 461-6290



Lawrence Solomon: North America slow to reverse renewables projects, but its turn will come soon

Lawrence Solomon | April 4, 2014 | Last Updated: Apr 4 8:37 PM ET
More from Lawrence Solomon | @LSolomonTweets

Only those in fantasyland should expect a contract to be sacrosanct when one party to the transaction makes the law
Europe taught us to spare no expense in supporting wind and solar projects, the better to help the planet survive. Now Europe is teaching us how to tear down those same projects, the better to help ratepayers, and politicians, survive.
UK Prime Minister “David Cameron wants to go into the next election pledging to ‘rid’ the countryside of onshore wind farms,” the London Telegraph announced this week. He intends “to toughen planning laws and tear up subsidy rules to make current turbines financially unviable – allowing the government to ‘eradicate’ turbines,” the goal being to “encourage developers to start ‘dismantling’ turbines built in recent years.”
Cameron will have no shortage of methods in taking down the now-unpopular wind turbines — in recent years countries throughout Europe, realizing that renewables delivered none of their environmental promises, have been systematically cutting their losses by ditching their renewable commitments. Here’s Spain, unilaterally rewriting renewable energy contracts to save its treasury. And France, slashing by 20% the “guaranteed” rate offered solar producers. And Belgium, where producers saw their revenues slashed by as much as 79%. And Italy and others, which clawed back through taxes the gross profits that renewables companies large and small were raking in at the expense of average citizens and the economy as a whole.
North America has been slow in systematically recognizing the damage wrought by renewable megaprojects but its turn will come soon enough, possibly among the 30 U.S. states with onerous renewable mandates, possibly among the Canadian provinces. No citizenry would more benefit from reversing the wind and solar gravy train than Ontario’s: Its developers have received up to 20 times the market rate of power, leading to a tripling of power rates and a gutting of the province’s industrial base, and helping to turn Ontario into a have-not province.
North America’s politicians have at their disposal all the methods employed in Europe to undo the odious arrangements voters find themselves in. Those squeamish about the optics of unilaterally ripping up a contract with the private sector can consider more genteel methods of skinning the cats.
Ontario’s property tax system, for example, allows for numerous residential and industrial tax classes, among them farms, forests, and pipelines. The provincial government could add wind and solar to the list, and then let local governments set whatever tax rates the local councillors, in fulfillment of the democratic will of their constituents, deem just. Given the view of many rural residents toward their windfarm neighbours, councillors will swiftly ensure a just end, sometimes by deterring new installations, sometimes by speeding their dismantling, sometimes by using the extra revenues to compensate victims.
Penalties also provide a mechanism for clawbacks. When Syncrude Canada’s lack of foresight led to the death of 1600 birds, it was fined $3-million, or $1875 per bird. Wind turbines kill birds in large numbers — according to a study in Biological Conservation, between 140,000 and 328,000 per year in the U.S. At $1875 per bird, the fine would be between $262.5-million and $615-million per year.
But governments need not feel squeamish about forthrightly shredding deals they enter into with private sector companies. Contracts are sacred when inked between private parties — if one party transgresses, the other has recourse to the law. But only those in fantasyland should expect a contract to be sacrosanct when one party to the transaction makes the law.
The Ontario Court of Appeal said as much when a major wind developer, Trillium Power Wind Corporation, objected when the provincial Liberals, to win some seats in the last election, abruptly changed the rules of the game. Trillium sued for $2.25-billion in damages on numerous grounds. According to an analysis by the law firm Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt, the Appeal Court all but laughed Trillium out of court.
The Appeal Court noted “that not only was it ‘plain and obvious’ but ‘beyond all reasonable doubt’ that Trillium could not succeed in its claims based on breach of contract, unjust enrichment, expropriation, negligent misrepresentation, negligence, and intentional infliction of economic harm,” Osler stated. The only part of Trillium`s claim that could proceed was based upon misfeasance in public office, which would require proving that a public official knowingly acted unlawfully to harm Trillium.
Can the government break a contract for political purposes? Yes, says Osler. The Appeal Court, in fact, “made it clear that proponents who choose to participate in discretionary government programs, such as Ontario’s renewable energy program, do so primarily at their own risk. Governments may alter the policies that underlie a program, and may even alter or cancel such programs, in a manner that may be fully lawful and immune from civil suit.”
Renewable developers take note: Governments are entirely within their rights in going back on a deal. In a democracy, when the deals are not only inspired by rank politics but are also so odious as to outrage the voters, developers should expect nothing less.
Lawrence Solomon is executive director of Energy Probe.

Major news regarding the Stoneboat project!!! A big thanks to all those who worked so hard to stop this project from moving forward. It is not clear what will become of the lucrative FIT contract.
Now… one has to be vigilant as to where the next industrial wind project will pop up!  Only 3 more projects to go – Sumac Ridge, Settlers landing and Snowy Ridge.
Regarding a Proposal to Engage in a Renewable Energy Project
By Stoneboat Community Wind Farm LP
Project Name: Stoneboat Community Wind Farm
Project Location: The facility was proposed to be built on privately-owned agricultural
lands within the City of Kawartha Lakes
Dated at the City of Kawartha Lakes this the 5th of March, 2014
Stoneboat Community Wind Farm LP is withdrawing its proposal to engage in a
renewable energy project. All further project development work has been cancelled.
Project Contacts and Information:
Project website:
Why former MPP Rick Johnson was asked to comment in this media article below  on the cancellation is questionable considering his comment that ‘the process’ worked. It was the hard work of many rural residents combined with difficulties facing the developer that the Stoneboat project has been cancelled - not any ‘process’ by the Liberal government. Rick Johnson works as Senior Advisor, Stakeholder Relations  in the office of Rural Affairs Minister Jeff Leal.  Mr Johnson can be reached via email at:  Jeff Leal can be contacted at his Peterborough constituency at:

236 King Street
Peterborough, Ontario K9J 7L8
Tel 705-742-3777
Fax 705-742-1822

Company pulls wind turbine project near temple development
Kawartha Lakes This Week
(KAWARTHA LAKES) Stoneboat Community Wind Farm LP has withdrawn its proposal to engage in a renewable energy project, reducing the number of proposed wind turbine projects in the Bethany and Pontypool areas to four.
The company posted the notice of project cancellation on its site Wednesday (March 5), adding all further project development work has been cancelled. The facility was proposed to be built on privately-owned agricultural land.
Like other wind turbine projects, Stoneboat has faced opposition by those wishing to see more investigation into the health concerns associated with the structures.
An added concern was raised by those involved with the development of the Cham Shan Temple that has been in the planning stage for two decades. Built using ancient techniques, the facility would serve as a bridge between Canada and China, the four sites mimicking the four great Buddhist temples of China; one in Cavan-Monaghan Township and the remaining three in Manvers Township.
Construction of all four could easily represent an investment of $100 million, with the great tourism potential as the Temple offers a place for those seeking a tranquil place to meditate. Opponents noted wind turbines would have a significant impact on that, especially since most of the money is donated.
Former local MPP and area resident, Rick Johnson said he is “pleased that the process is working.”
“People have to respect the process, whether it works to their benefit or not,” said Mr. Johnson. “This [news] is proof that it works.”
Currently, there are three other wind energy farms planned in Manvers Township; Sumac Ridge, Snowy Ridge and Settlers Landing. Only Sumac Ridge has received approval so far. The farms are operated by different developers and each has five turbines.
 - with files from Mary Riley


Important Notice... the Sumac Ridge Wind Appeal has been adjourned until April 8th.

From the Monday February 24th TO protest...

In the meantime..



Another call to action..  Deadline February 28th to post comments regarding wpd Canada’s plans to and conduct their own Municipal EA on  Gray Road, Wild Turkey Road and Ballyduff Road without the consent or permission of the City of Kawartha  Lakes. …



Some Important Points of Issue (feel free to copy, paste, edit the following) and send by February 28th to: – Subject Line:

Sumac Ridge: Municipal Class B EA


One.  The Municipal Class  B Environmental Assessment is being conducted over the objections of The City of Kawartha Lakes.

Two.  Pushing ahead with construction of the project while it is under appeal to the Environmental Review Tribunal demonstrates a lack of respect for area residents.    

Three. Over 4 years, thousands have signed petitions calling for a halt to the Sumac Ridge project. A record number of comments of concern  – 2874 were posted to the EBR – yet wpd Canada did not address any of the concerns raised. Many letters of concern were sent to wpd Canada over the last 4 years without any meaningful dialogue on the part of the developer.

Four. wpd Canada has not revealed in the media notice or on their ‘new’ website: what their ‘upgrade’ plans for Gray Road, Wild Turkey Road and Ballyduff Road are… so it is unclear what the  so-called road ‘upgrades’ entail.   WPD Canada did not inform the public in the newspaper notice that there is a deadline of February 28th for comments.

Five. Both Gray and Wild Turkey Road are unmaintained pioneer road allowances in existence since the early 1800s. Gray Road is a dead-end trail. Both are used  as natural recreational routes by hikers, bikers and birdwatchers etc.  Gray Road is off-limits to road traffic. Wild Turkey Road is impassable for road traffic many months of the year.  These pioneer road allowances need to be retained as recreational trails.  Building wide roads will increase road traffic where it is unwanted.

Six. The City of Kawartha Lakes has NO plans to upgrade or maintain these roads now or in the future.  City of Kawartha Lakes by-laws forbid industrial, commercial and residential development within the ‘study’ area as part of the plan to protect the Oak Ridges Moraine.

Seven.  Gray Road and Wild Turkey Road are NOT maintained by the City of Kawartha Lakes. In case of emergency as a result of fire, oil spills, blade failure, and/or structural collapse of the turbine – emergency vehicles will not be able to gain access to the turbines along these roads.

Eight. Gray Road  features a complex ground and surface water system … road alteration will impact water quality and quantity.  

Nine. Wild Turkey Road is located over an aquifer designated ‘High Vulnerability’ on the Oak Ridges Moraine. It is also a significant groundwater recharge area. Spills during construction and post-construction will contaminate the aquifer.

Ten. Wpd Canada has indicated that Wild Turkey Road will need to be widened in its application for approval. Road widening will affect two headwaters of Fleetwood Creek – both located on the Oak Ridges Moraine.

Eleven. Thousands of trees, shrubs and other vegetation will have to be removed along Gray Road and Wild Turkey Road for road  construction and widening…  these trees and undergrowth supply food, shelter and breeding grounds for numerous species of wildlife… including species at risk.  Species at risk will be placed in peril by construction methods and post construction maintenance.

Twelve. Vibrations created by hundreds of construction vehicles passing heritage buildings in delicate condition along Ballyduff Road will cause structural damage.  

Thirteen:  Ten potential grave sites have been identified under and beside Ballyduff Road. The Cemeteries Act forbids disturbance of a burial site.


Send a copy to yourself and please send a copy to COKL Councillor Heather Stauble at:

The Sumac Ridge Appeal is underway. Approval for the first industrial wind project, but not the last, to be constructed on the supposed government protected Oak Ridges Moraine was granted just before the Xmas holidays despite a record number of comments posted to the EBR - 2874.

The project is now under appeal. There are 3 appellants - Manvers Wind Concerns, Cransley Home Farms and the Cham Shan Buddhists.  A record number of people sought presenter and particpant status at an ERT..... 38 in total including First Nations. All but two were granted status to speak.

The first round of motions were heard on Monday February 10th and will continue on Friday February 14th.  The main hearing will commence on Tuesday  February 25th.
The location and time has yet to be confirmed.


The Wynne – Leal Protest Thursday November 21st, 2013

Protestors beginning to gather 

Wynne and Leal surrounded by security heading back into the building 

– Section of the line of  over 100 protestors waiting for Wynne …

Cavan Monaghan Deputy Mayor Scott McFadden, Dale Goldhawk of Goldhawk Fights Back and Paul Reid of Manvers Wind Concerns (this photo courtesy A. Harjula)
A terrific turnout!!! Well over 100 industrial wind protestors gathered at the Evinrude Centre and were joined by a small contingent of No Casino folks. Protestors came from near and far …Cavan, Millbrook, Manvers and beyond.  The protestors were supported by Cavan Monaghan Mayor John Fallis, Deputy Mayor Scott McFadden as well as Hamilton Township Deputy Mayor Isobel Hie. A great surprise was the appearance of Dale Goldhawk of Goldhawk Fights Back who will likely have something to say about this event on his radio show today!  The protestors split up to cover the three entrances for about an hour. It was heart-warming to hear so many passing honks of support!  There was one incident where a veteran protestor was tapped by a car but fortunately did not sustain injuries… we need this long time protestor!
The Premier was scheduled to arrive at 6 pm for the Leal reception which surprisingly was quite small considering  it was advertised that 1000 invitations had been sent out. There were more protestors than dinner attendees.
While waiting for the Premier, David Frank of CavanSaysNo accompanied by Ms. Patti led the protestors in chant and song including a revised edition of Dylan’s Ain’t Blowin’ in the Wynned!
Ms. Wynne was late as usual and was ushered in through the back door. She did come out with Jeff Leal to talk briefly with the protestors. It was pointed out by Manvers Wind Concern chair Paul Reid that 10 people were causing grief for thousands and  how could this be considered  an equitable government policy.
For the first time, Ms. Wynne who usually states that there is nothing she can do about projects in the approval pipeline, said not once, but twice, that some projects will be approved – others will NOT receive approval. The Premier has NEVER said to this time that some projects might not receive approval. Let’s hope the NOT APPROVED stamp is applied fast and hard to the Settlers Landing, Sumac Ridge, Snowy Ridge and Stoneboat projects.  This protest was well worth the numb fingers and toes.
Some media coverage..
CHEX NEWS dinner time and evening news video:

Premier in town for Leal's 10th anniversary bash

By Galen Eagle, Peterborough Examiner
Thursday, November 21, 2013 7:14:16 EST PM


Outside the premier was met with boos, chants and placards.
Inside she was met with warm handshakes, introductions and applause.
Premier Kathleen Wynne met with boisterous wind farm protesters outside the Evinrude Centre Thursday night before heading inside for a private party to celebrate Peterborough MPP Jeff Leal’s 10-year milestone in provincial politics.
“I know that you have some concerns on wind turbines,” Wynne told the protesters who surrounded her outside the hockey arena. “I think you know that we are putting a new process in place. We acknowledge that there needs to be more community input and we are changing the process.”
There were two groups of protesters present Thursday night. The wind farm protestors, about 100 in total, were by far the loudest, singing chants, blowing whistles and encouraging honks from passing motorists.

About 30 No Casino Peterborough protesters also gathered outside.
Wynne, who showed up an hour late, was ushered through the back door of the arena, but immediately came outside alongside Leal to meet the protestors, who had been gathered there for about 1 ½ hours.
Spokesman Paul Reid, with Manvers Wind Concerns, said the protesters wanted to get across a clear message.
“We would like these wind farms situated two kilometres or more from people’s homes and we’d like to stop having them shoved down our throats without any say in the process,” he said before Wynne’s arrival. “Any time that the premier comes to rural Ontario, we want to send the message out loud and clear that if she’s ever looking to get a rural vote again, we need some help here.”

Reid was the first protester to have a dialogue with Wynne as others shouted out questions and some heckled.
“We haven’t even had a definition, premier, of what a willing host is. We’d love to have one of those because then we could prove to you that we’re not,” Reid said.
“Some of the projects that are in the pipeline will go ahead. Some of them won’t depending on the approvals,” Wynne replied.
She reiterated her government’s promise to give communities more say when it comes to the location of future wind projects.
“The process from here on in will mean that there will be more weighting to the community’s opinion. We have heard loudly and clearly that the way the process unrolled the first time was not appropriate for communities….”

“So cancel existing projects,” a woman interrupted.
“Well, you know what, it’s just not as straight forward as that,” Wynne said.
Cavan Monaghan Township Deputy Mayor Scott McFadden was in the crowd.
“It’s really important for everybody to come out and demonstrate that we’re not a willing host and we don’t want the industrial wind turbines out in our area,” he said.

After talking to the increasingly hostile group of protesters for about five minutes, Wynne returned inside where she was greeted warmly by the 120 people in attendance.
Wynne gave the keynote address of the evening, praising Leal for his 10 years as MPP

“When I was privileged to win the leadership, Jeff was really at the top of my list in terms of people I wanted to have in my cabinet,” she told the crowd. “Peterborough is never far from Jeff’s narrative. He knows this place, he brings your ideas, he understands exactly the needs of the community.”
A good time to write letters to the Editor of the Examiner …  


To be held by Stoneboat Community Wind Farm LP regarding a  Proposal to Engage in a Renewable Energy Project
Project Name: Stoneboat Community Wind Farm
Project Location: The facility is proposed to be built on privately-owned agricultural lands within the City of Kawartha Lakes
Dated at the City of Kawartha Lakes this the 24th of October, 2013
Stoneboat Community Wind Farm LP is planning to engage in a renewable energy project in respect of which the issuance of a renewable energy approval is required. The proposal to engage in the project and the project itself is subject to the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act (ACT) Part V.0.1 and Ontario Regulation 359/09 (Regulation).
Please note that the previously advertised public meeting for November 5th, 2013 at the Rolling Hills Public School has been postponed. A new notice will be published and distributed when a new date has been confirmed for this meeting.
Project Contacts and Information:
To learn more about the project proposal, public meetings, or to communicate concerns please contact:

Stoneboat Community Wind Farm LP
c/o M.K. Ince and Associates Ltd.
Martin Ince, Director
11 Cross Street
Dundas, Ontario, L9H 2R3
Phone: (905) 628-0077 or 1-855-786-6386
Andrea McDowell, Project Manager
M.K. Ince and Associates Ltd.
11 Cross Street
Dundas, Ontario, L9H 2R3
Phone: (905) 628-0077 ext. 236 or 1-855-786-6386
Project website:

What is a REpower MM 92 wind turbine?
The turbines will be TALLEST structures to be found between here and Toronto.
1. The steel tower for each turbine is 100 m or 328 feet tall. Each tower weighs 66 tons.
2.  From the base to the very top of the turbine measures 145.2 m or 476 feet.
3. Each blade measures 45.2 m or 148 feet long.  Each blade weighs 7.9 tons. 
4. Each rotor weighs 40.7 tons. Each nacelle (housing that houses all of the generating components in a wind turbine, including the generator, gearbox, drive train, and brake assembly) weighs 69 tons.  
5. The area that will be swept by the turbine blades per turbine will be 6720 sq.m or 72,333 square feet. This link may give one an idea of how large an area this is:
6. The blades will turn with a maximum tip speed of 72.6 metres per second or 162.4 miles per hour.
 Below…a link to a brochure on the specifications of the REpower model of turbine which will be used in the Stoneboat project. The brochure has a photo of the turbine on the left-hand side.  Compare its size to the teeny house located at its base.


As the American environmentalist Paul Hawken said recently: "We have an economy that tells us that it is cheaper to destroy Earth in real time than to renew, restore, and sustain it - We are stealing the future, selling it in the present, and calling it gross domestic product. We can just as easily have an economy that is based on healing the future instead of stealing it."


The site of Turbine # 5 on the Oak Ridges Moraine in natural, scenic times last summer. This land , as well as part of the woodland in the background will be removed to accommodate a 1000 ton concrete base, as well as a what is called a laydown area which will cover an area of 50 by 100 metres – 164 by 328 feet.

As to how many submissions were sent to  the EBR on the Sumac Ridge project???... a final total won’t be known until after June 5th, but it appears that a record may have been set with well over  3000 submissions sent to the MOE!!!  The MOE confirmed on May 17th , two days before the deadline of May 20th, that the ministry at that time was in receipt of approximately 2250 submissions and many people were filing EBR submissions all through the long holiday weekend.
This amazing community effort is especially important since it seems that the company wpd Canada, who claimed in their public consultation report to the MOE that they leaned over backwards and then some to address all of the concerns being expressed by council and members of the public about the Sumac Ridge project, appears to have changed its tune now the comment period has lapsed.....
CKL ‘not a willing host’ for turbines
By Lisa Gervais, The Lindsay Post
Monday, May 27, 2013 5:28:51 EDT PM
KAWARTHA LAKES - Mayor Ric McGee and Ward 16 Coun. Heather Stauble have reacted strongly to a wpd Canada complaint that the city is refusing to enter into discussions on the placement of collector lines for the Sumac Ridge wind farm.
In a press release issued last Wednesday, wpd Canada said the city's land management committee refusal could force the company to ask the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) to settle the matter.

Wpd Canada is looking to build a portion of their proposed electrical collector line underground on an unassumed road near the project site. The OEB is the independent Crown corporation tasked with regulating the province's electricity and natural gas sectors.
"We had hoped to work with the City of Kawartha Lakes on this issue in a cooperative setting, and it is unfortunate that it has come to this point," wpd Canada president Ian MacRae said. "If the city would reconsider, it would avoid the necessity of bringing the matter to the OEB. This can be a costly method to resolve the issue."

However, McGee told The Post on Thursday "it is unfortunate that wpd has resorted to this type of tactic. The residents affected by these industrial wind turbine developments and council have been very clear. Kawartha Lakes is not a willing host."
Stauble added "I think they're jumping the gun. We need to wait for the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) review before assuming approval."
She noted the comment period had only closed on May 20 and there will now be a six-month technical review by the MOE. She said the community made more than 2,500 submissions to the environmental registry, some incredibly well-researched.

She maintains there were a lot of errors in the reports; the consultants cited three meetings and the community only two; and a lack of health expertise.
Director of development services Ron Taylor confirmed the committee had advised wpd that the application was premature. "wpd has not received any Renewable Energy Approval (REA) from the province to date. The city has since been in receipt of follow-up correspondence from wpd challenging the city's position, dated May 22, 2013. We have referred this correspondence to our solicitor to obtain a legal opinion.
City council has not reviewed this specific road occupation request. City council did, through the REA process, recommend to the province that the project application be refused. The application remains under review by the province.

wpd Canada said in its release that it has sought its own legal advice and "simply put, the city cannot refuse to process wpd's permit application because council is opposed to the project. The city has a duty to process the application in good faith as it would any other permit application. The refusal to do so is also inconsistent with provincial law that provides wpd with a right to access Gray Road for the purpose of constructing a collector line for the project."
But Stauble said Gray Rd. in on the Oak Ridges Moraine and is lined with mature woodland that contains endangered species.
However, wpd Canada maintains that provincial legislation gives electricity distributors the ability to access any public street or highway to install infrastructure without requiring the approval of the municipality but it is customary for municipalities and developers to agree upon the location.
It said that should a disagreement on the location of the infrastructure arise, either party may apply to the OEB to have the location determined by the board.

"It is possible that the City of Kawartha Lakes could be responsible to cover wpd’s costs for the OEB hearing, as well as their own."
They sited a case in Grey Highlands.

“If our REA application is granted, we intend to move forward with the construction phase of the project,” MacRae said. “We still want, and hope to work with the city to obtain the permits we need, but we need to consider all of our options to move our project forward.”
wpd Canada has requested that the matter be brought before council at its next meeting and that council direct staff to process wpd’s application.








In other words, the proposed modernization plan is a gamble. And a very risky gamble for our province to be taking because the OLG does not appear to consider, in any way, the potential cost of these proposed changes – they are only looking at the possible increase in revenue. The OLG is gambling and the stakes are Ontario’s horse racing industry, rural communities and thousands of small businesses.


The result of OLG’s decision could see the end of racetracks in Ontario, causing the dissolution of a vibrant horseracing and breeding industry. And along with it, the province will lose approximately $2 billion in economic activity, more than 30,000 full-time jobs and valuable businesses that directly support Ontario’s agricultural infrastructure.


It appears OLG has failed to consider the impact their decision will have on Ontario’s horseracing industry and the jobs it sustains across Ontario. The industry currently works with OLG in a mutually beneficial relationship, the Slots at Racetracks program – a revenue sharing agreement. The racing industry is OLG’s most profitable partner. Can OLG actually increase revenues while losing its best partner?


OFA strongly urges the province and the OLG to start working with the Ontario horseracing industry to build on the productive and profitable relationship they have already enjoyed over the past decade. This partnership can be improved for mutual benefit and will continue to demonstrate its significant and valuable contribution to the Ontario economy and our rural communities.


On Wednesday May 16th, 2012, the board of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority passed the following motion with regard to industrial wind power plants being allowed to destroy the unique landform, the Oak Ridges Moraine:

The motion:

WHEREAS the Oak Ridges Moraine is an environmentally sensitive, geological
landform that contains the headwaters of 65 rivers and streams and whose
aquifer systems provide drinking water directly to 250,000 people and
millions more;
WHEREAS the Oak Ridges Moraine is a protected landform under the Oak Ridges
Moraine Act;
WHEREAS municipalities are not the approval body on renewable energy
WHEREAS there are industrial wind projects proposed on the Oak Ridges
WHEREAS under legislation the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority is a
public commenting body under the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan;
WHEREAS the member municipalities of Clarington, Township of Cavan-Monaghan,
City of Kawartha Lakes and Hamilton Township have passed resolutions calling
for and supporting a moratorium on industrial wind projects;
WHEREAS the Ontario Federation of Agriculture has called for a moratorium on
the approval of industrial wind turbine projects;
WHEREAS STORM Coalition has called for a halt on the approval of energy
infrastructure projects on the Moraine until a cumulative assessment is done
on the impact of industrial wind projects on the Oak Ridges Moraine and full
environmental assessments are made mandatory;
THEREFORE be it resolved:
THAT the Board of Directors of Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority calls
for a moratorium on all industrial wind projects on the Oak Ridges Moraine;
THAT full environmental assessments be required for all industrial wind
projects as a condition of renewable energy approval;

THAT these resolutions be circulated to all municipalities in the  Ganaraska
Region Conservation Authority watershed, AMO,  Conservation Ontario,
Kawartha Conservation Authority, Otonabee Region Conservation Authority,
Minister of the Environment, Minister of Municipal Affairs, Minister of
Natural Resources, Minister of Energy,  the Minister of Transportation and
Infrastructure, MPP John O'Toole, MPP Laurie Scott and MPP Rob Milligan.

The morning of the April 3rd demonstration in Toronto, the 1000 operating industrial wind turbines in Ontario with an installed production capacity of 1701 MW were producing a total energy output of a mere 168 MW.(source: IESO)
In solidarity - ironically the genesis in Germany - April 3rd was declared an international day of protest against industrial wind and solar plants with countries from around the world participating & saluting the Ontario demonstration....
There are 2800 industrial wind power plant opposition groups worldwide. There are approximately 800 websites maintained by groups dedicated to stopping the carnage.
Local residents from the Pontypool, Bethany, Millbrook, Hastings/Norwood and Port Hope/Welcome area who joined the police estimated number of 800-1000 protestors who gathered at Simcoe Park beside the CBC building and across from the Metro Convention Centre where the wind developers were meeting. (interesting to note that some TO media played down the number of protestors to a casual 'few hundred' or just 'protestors')
Simcoe 'park'  consists of a small patch of grass with a couple of struggling trees. Most of the 'park' is paved over and is dominated by a metal sculpture of a grouping of evergreen trees. Surrounding soaring condo towers are the height of industrial wind turbines.
MPPs, as well as council members from Lambton, Middlesex and Huron were present at the protest rally. The deputy mayor of Arran-Elderslie Township gave an impassioned yet witty speech.
Councillor Lynda Todd from Cavan Monaghan and Councillor Heather Stauble from the City of Kawartha Lakes attended the protest in a show of support for their concerned constituents.
It took 5 minutes for one of the rally organizers to list all the places that protestors hailed from - over 70 locations - this was truly a cross-Ontario protest. There were many heartfelt and informative signs. It was interesting to see in attendance many who already live among wind power plants - protestors from Wolfe Island, Clear Creek, Melancthon, Shelburne and Ripley to name a few. 
There were several guest speakers... one of note was Lawrence Solomon, founder of Energy Probe. Mr. Solomon, a long time energy and environmental watchdog, and owner of the non-profit online fair trade store Green Beanery, specializing in organic coffee beans produced by small, independent farmers, compared this wind gold rush to the frenzied feeding cycles of coal barons at the turn of the last century and the nuclear energy profiteers of the 1960s and 70s. Mr. Solomon sees industrial wind development as being not only extremely environmentally destructive, but also economically unsustainable.

"Energy Probe was founded in 1969 as a project of the Pollution Probe Foundation, and soon became one of the country’s most influential voices on energy policy.

Energy Probe was first to recognize that nuclear power was uneconomic, in a report produced in 1974, and has been successful in stopping the construction in Canada of all nuclear plants proposed since then. Energy Probe was also first to recognize — again in 1974 — that market prices were necessary to induce energy conservation, and succeeded in convincing the federal government to let oil prices rise to the World Oil Price.

Energy Probe also helped create the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry (the Berger Commission), which led to the scrapping of uneconomic and unenvironmental Arctic pipelines. For achievements such as these, The Canadian Encyclopedia singled out Energy Probe among environmental groups for being effective in influencing our country’s policies. The Canadian Encyclopedia added: “despite its low budget, Energy Probe is respected for its scrupulous research.”

Below... some media coverage of the protest ...
This will likely not be the last rally. Future rallies will likely increase in size and number as more and more people realize the extent of harm industrial solar and wind projects will have on their once rural piece of heaven...
One of the highlights at the demonstration was a spontaneous rendition of 'O Canada' sung and directed by protestors towards the Metro Convention Centre where provincial officials and large scale solar and wind developers were meeting.

Wind power opponents protest in Toronto

The Canadian Press
Protesters from rural communities across Ontario gathered in Toronto today to tell cities they need to join their fight against wind farms.
A few hundred protesters — with signs decrying the health, financial and community impact of industrial wind power — also called for the ouster of Premier Dalton McGuinty because of his green-energy policies.
 Listowell dairy farmer Ralph Coneybeare says the turbines make no financial sense, especially when the province could be making better use of cheaper power sources, such as hydroelectric.
He says turbines create tension between neighbours who want them and those who don't.
Sherri Lange, of the group North American Platform Against Windpower, calls the feed-in-tariff program known as FIT "an obscenity" that will lead to higher electricity rates and drive businesses from the province.
McGuinty says recent changes to Ontario's clean-energy plans should appease the critics, pointing to plans to
lower the premiums the province pays for future wind and solar energy projects.
He also says the province will favour projects proposed in communities that support turbines, although the government has
stopped short of giving municipalities a veto over new installations.
~ ~ ~


McGuinty's wind-energy woes grow with anti-turbine protest and $1B lawsuit

Romina Maurino, Tuesday, April 03, 2012 4:45 PM

TORONTO - The wind woes of the minority Liberals seemed far from dying down Tuesday as anti-turbine protesters upped the pressure in Toronto and the government was hit with a new lawsuit.
A few hundred protesters — with signs decrying the health, financial and community impact of industrial wind power — called for the ouster of Premier Dalton McGuinty because of his green-energy policies, and urged cities to join their fight against wind turbines.
"I'm hoping we can bring it to the people of Toronto to realize that it's not an economical way to produce electricity, and they should help us stop them," said dairy farmer Ralph Coneybeare of Listowell, Ont.
"Hopefully the people in Toronto will realize that, and maybe we can have a change of government and we can solve some of our problems."
The protest came as the government found itself facing a $1-billion lawsuit over its moratorium on offshore wind farms.
SouthPoint Wind is seeking damages for confiscation of its property and assets, and accuses the province and several agencies of failing to negotiate in good faith.
SouthPoint tried to develop industrial wind-power projects near the Lake Erie communities of Leamington, Union and Kingsville before the government announced a moratorium on offshore wind farms in February 2011.
The claims have not been proven in court.
Opposition to wind farms isn't new, and anti-turbine groups have long called for a moratorium on the projects until their full health effects can be determined.
The government recently made changes it says will lower premiums paid for future wind and solar energy projects.
But Sherri Lange, of the group North American Platform Against Windpower, said the changes will do little to lower electricity bills or offset the health impact to people who live near the giant windmills.
"People are being chased out of their homes, they can't live beside them," she said.
"It's internationally known, recognized by very world-class doctors, that these people have wind-turbine syndrome, a collection of medical symptoms that are very serious. There have been suicides around the world."
Several lawsuits have also been launched against wind farms, attributing health issues such as sleep disturbances, headaches and memory problems to the turbines.
The government argues the research shows the giant windmills are safe, and notes it's continually looking at the issue.
Premier Dalton McGuinty defended his approach earlier Tuesday, arguing the recent changes to Ontario's clean-energy plans should appease the critics.
"We have driven those costs down, we intend to drive them down further and further every year," McGuinty said.
He also noted the province will favour projects proposed in communities that support turbines, although the government has stopped short of giving municipalities a veto over new installations.
"We've tried to rejig it so that it's more in keeping with people's views in their community about whether or not they want these things there," he said.
But to people like Coneybeare, who live in the affected communities, the changes aren't enough, and do nothing to ease tensions between neighbours who want turbines and those who don't.
"If you have a wind turbine next to you, even though you don't like it, there's nothing you can do about it, but you can be affected by it," he said.


~ ~ ~


Wind power crosswinds blast McGuinty government
John Spears Business Reporter - Toronto Star
Hundreds of angry rural residents streamed through Toronto’s financial core Tuesday protesting wind turbine developments in the Ontario countryside.
“What we want to do is put it on the radar for Toronto,” said organizer Lorrie Gillis as she led the protestors who blocked traffic on Front St. W. for a time.
“A number of people don’t understand the issue, and we would like to help educate here.”
(They might have started the education campaign at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, across the street from where the protest started: The centre’s illuminated sign repeatedly flashed a picture of a wind turbine, and proudly stated it was powered by green energy.)
The province also came under attack Tuesday for not pushing ahead fast enough.
A wind development company, Southpoint Wind, filed an action in Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Windsor, Ont., claiming $1 billion in damages for the province’s decision in February, 2011 to halt to off-shore wind development projects.
Southpoint planned to develop wind power projects near Leamington, Union and Kingsville.
It says the government arbitrarily cancelled applications for offshore wind development without notice, and did so with the intent to stop its projects.
The allegations have not been proven in court.
Energy Minister Chris Bentley says SouthPoint did not have a contract with the province, and the government intends to defend the lawsuit.
Some protestors said they’re not simply losing money; they’re losing their homes.
Gerry Dentoom carried a sign reading “My property value is now $0.”
Dentoom, who runs a restaurant with his wife, lives in a rural area about 10 kilometres from Listowel. Four turbines are slated to be erected near him; he worries they’ll make his home unsalable.
Tom Melady a farmer in Perth County, also says he won’t live near turbines if a planned development comes to his area.
“As soon as the wind turbines go up, my farm’s for sale,” he said. “I’m not going to live there.
“I’ve got all kinds of lists of people that have had health problems. I’m not going to expose me and my family to that. I can live someplace else.”
Mark Davis, deputy mayor of Arran-Elderslie in Bruce County, told protestors that rural Ontario understands the damage that turbines do to the countryside, and showed it by turfing out Liberal candidates in last fall’s provincial election.
“We have to teach our city friends the reality of the situation,” said Davis.
He criticized the system of payments for wind power as “fluffy-duffy government crap” that pays out millions of dollars to foreign energy companies.
Protestors chanted slogans mocking Premier Dalton McGuinty.
McGuinty acknowledged that some renewable energy projects haven’t had the support of their local communities, and said the province has changed the rules to remedy that.
“We’ve tried to rejig it so that it’s more in keeping with peoples’ views in their community,” he told reporters Tuesday.
“If you haven’t got the support of your community, it’s going to be very, very difficult to get those contracts.”
Robert Hornung, president of the Canadian Wind Energy Association, said many communities do support wind power projects.
And he said a study conducted for the association shows that if current plans for renewable energy proceed, wind projects will make payments to landowners and municipalities totaling $1.1 billion over the next 20 years.

Power Protest Blows Into Ontario

TORONTO - Anti-wind protesters journeyed from across Ontario to demonstrate in Toronto Tuesday against the province’s green energy subsidy plan.

Farmer Pat Jilesen, who raises hogs near Port Elgin in Bruce County, said his hydro bill has gone through the barn roof with off-peak power alone up 80% between 2008-2011.

The cost of running his business and the price of his food is being driven up, he said.

“And I’d like everybody in the City of Toronto to understand that,” Jilesen said at a Queen’s Park media conference Tuesday.

So far, much of the debate around wind power subsidies has raged outside urban cores, but Wind Concerns Ontario brought their complaints to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre Tuesday where green energy industries were participating in a Feed In Tariff (FIT) forum.

Jane Wilson, President Wind Concerns Ontario, said Ontarians came from Thunder Bay, Sarnia, London, Ottawa and all points in between, to talk about the impact of wind turbines and the FIT program on their communities.

In addition to pushing up hydro costs, FIT has devalued properties located near industrial wind farms, she said.

“It’s going to impact everybody,” Wilson said, asking Torontonians to imagine how they would feel if their property values suddenly dropped by 40%.

Janet Vallery, who runs a campground north of Guelph, said her hydro bill has jumped 16% in two years to $131,000 and she projects her electricity tab will hit $200,000 in 2015.

“It seems the wind companies’ business plan is based solely on subsidies,” Vallery said. “I’m a small business. I wish my business plan was based on government subsidies but it’s not. It’s based on being competitive, having excellent product and the ability to attract tourists.”

Vallery said the full financial impact of subsidized green power on hydro bills will hurt small businesses and all industry across the province.

“This is a ‘Bad FIT’ for Ontario,” she said.

Tory MPP Lisa Thompson said her party would buy out all the existing FIT contracts, believing it would be cheaper to do so in the long run.

“We’re not anti-green; we’re anti-nonsense,” she said.

Energy Minister Chris Bentley said significant changes made to the FIT program will provide for much greater community participation in future projects.

Renewable energy development has attracted billions of dollars in investment and thousands of jobs to Ontario, Bentley said.


Protesters stand by claims of illness




TORONTO -- Barb Ashbee says she started getting sick as soon as the industrial wind turbines near her former Shelburnearea home started to spin.

It began with sleep deprivation, then stomach aches. Her husband fell ill too, she said.

"As time went on, we got sicker and sicker," Ashbee said in an interview Tuesday aboard a coach bus filled with anti-turbine protesters.

Nausea, dizziness and memory problems soon joined the list of symptoms.

"I could hardly get a sentence out it was so bad," she said. Her dog also became agitated.

She said the symptoms would persist until she left her house. Her workplace became a place of solace.

In 2009, after living at her rural home for only four years, Ashbee said she and her husband moved out of the wind farm.

"We were fine before the turbines were there and after they started, we were sick. When we moved, we got better," she said.

Ashbee joined hundreds of people at a rally outside the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in the provincial capital's downtown core.

People from across Ontario participated in the protest, including a busload of people from Grey-Bruce. People came from Manitoulin Island, Thunder Bay, the Kingston area and the northern United States.

The province says wind energy is safe at Ontario's regulated setback distance of 550 metres and turbine sound presents no direct health risk to people.


Paul Thompson of Amaranth Township said he has been unable to live in his rural home, which he built in the late 1980s, ever since a substation for wind turbine power was erected across the street and put online on Feb. 16, 2006.

Two 100-megawatt transformers are linked to 133 wind turbines, he said.

The self-employed farm equipment mechanic said he experienced headaches, ringing in his ears, heart palpitations, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea and lack of energy, even though he passed physical examinations at his doctor's office and MRI scans at the hospital.

"It's bad," he said. "It's really, really bad."

Like Ashbee, Thompson said the symptoms all disappear when he leaves his home, which he still owns. He now sleeps in a rented room that is attached to a trailer on another property.

"At first, I blamed myself," he said. "Now, I know what it is."

Bob Baxter flew in from Thunder Bay to attend the

protest. He said he is concerned about the multi-turbine development that is proposed for the Nor'Wester Mountain Range near his home.

Seventeen turbines are planned for the first of four phases. More than 2,000 homes are within two miles of the proposed wind farm, he said.

Baxter said he is concerned about the environmental toll of the turbines, which will be built near scenic hiking trails and natural water sources and "loom" over Thunder Bay.

"I don't think many people realize the devastation that is being proposed for an untouched area," he said.

James Virgin of Oppose Belwood Wind Farms spent most of the rally handing out flyers to people who walked by the protesters.

He said almost all of the "people in suits" refused to take a flyer.

"Toronto doesn't understand it because they don't have a direct impact," the Fergus-area resident said.

They will eventually, he said, calling the wind energy movement a "disaster in slow motion."


Some more photos and video clips from the rally ... 

Energy Critic MPP Vic Fedeli on FIT program


Hey, Hey Toronto, No Turbines, No Way


Wind Protest Chant

More photos:

 As one protest sign pointed out... want to reduce CO2 emissions?...



. That the Province of Ontario immediately undertake the development of a cumulative
assessment or strategic level environment assessment to examine the big picture of wind
development across the Oak Ridges Moraine, and
. That the Province formally circulate to STORM notices of all wind development applications and

STORM would be pleased to meet with you and your staff to discuss our concerns and
recommendations to properly plan for and manage wind development on the Moraine. Thank you for
this opportunity to express our concerns.


Signed March 1, 2012

Graham Whitelaw, PhD, MCIP, RPP

STORM Board of Directors


Hon. Jim Bradley, Minister of Environment

Hon. Kathleen Wynne, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Hon. Michael Gravelle, Minister of Natural Resources

Hon. Chris Bentley, Minister of Energy

Hon. Bob Chiarelli, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure



March 1, 2012

The Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario

Room 281 Main Legislative Building

Queen’s Park,

Toronto, ON

M7A 1A1


Dear Premier:

Save The Oak Ridges Moraine Coalition ((STORM) supports the Province of Ontario’s Green Energy Act
and related initiatives to become less dependent on coal as a source of electrical energy production.
However, the installation of industrial-scale energy infrastructure projects across the significant and
provincially recognized Oak Ridges Moraine landscape raises serious questions and concerns.

STORM was established in 1989 to raise awareness of the sensitivity of the Moraine’s ecology to impacts
from urban development and other land and resource uses such as aggregate mining, forest destruction
and infrastructure projects. STORM was represented on the two provincial initiatives charged with
developing long term management strategies for the moraine, the second which provided advice to the
government that formed the basis of the current legislation and policy framework. The core of the Oak
Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (ORMCP) is the recognition of how important the moraine is to the
ecological and hydrological integrity of south central Ontario.

The Oak Ridges Moraine is an environmentally sensitive, geological landform that contains the
headwaters of 65 rivers and streams and whose deep aquifer systems provide clean drinking water
directly to 250,000 and indirectly to millions more. Due to the topography of the Oak Ridges Moraine,
wind developers are attracted to this landscape to install their energy infrastructure projects. To date,
there are six wind turbine power plant installations that have received Feed-in Tariff (FIT) contracts all
within the eastern portion of the Moraine. This portion of the Moraine provides both terrestrial core
and corridor habitat and is a critical refuge for birds, bats, threatened and/or endangered plants and
animals, and numerous species at risk. Many of these projects will require the construction of access
roads, opening and upgrading of unassumed roads, clear-cutting of significant woodlands, and delivery
of thousands of truckloads of gravel, sand and concrete onto the Moraine. Aside from the fact the Oak
Ridges Moraine contains a diversity of woodlands, wetlands, watercourses, kettle lakes, kettle bogs, and

significant flora and fauna, it is one of the few remaining continuous green corridors in southern
Ontario. The remnants of tallgrass prairie and oak-pine savanna in the eastern portion of this ancient
landform are globally threatened ecosystems and may be impacted by wind development.

STORM’s mandate is to ensure that environmental impacts of wind turbine power plants will not
jeopardize the future of the Oak Ridges Moraine. Ontario residents depend on the Oak Ridges Moraine
as a source of clean water, therefore it is within the public interest to preserve this unique landform for
generations to follow. Indeed, given the unique natures of the Niagara Escarpment and the Oak Ridges
Moraine, the province created stand-alone legislation based on years of study. The Niagara Escarpment
was studied through a government planning process led by Len Gertler leading to years of public
consultation, hearings, legislation and Plan development. The Oak Ridges Moraine, after 14 years of
citizen activism and government and private sector collaboration similarly led to what is now recognized
internationally as leading edge conservation land use planning. These processes and legislation/plans
elevate these areas and as such should require proponents of wind projects to be subject to more
rigorous standards than green energy projects conducted on lands elsewhere in southern Ontario.
Therefore it is STORM’s position that the Green Energy Act should be applied differently on these two
provincially significant landscapes relative to other areas of the province. STORM, therefore, respectfully
requests that the Province make it a requirement that all major energy developers be required to
conduct a full environmental assessment (Individual EA) containing comprehensive reports on all
subwatersheds, aquifers, headwaters, natural heritage systems, core and corridor systems surrounding
proposed energy infrastructure projects.

STORM is also very concerned that the objectives of the Oak Ridge’s Moraine Conservation Act will be
significantly compromised as a result of the sheer numbers of potential wind turbine clusters. Therefore,
a cumulative impact assessment or strategic level environmental assessment is needed immediately to
examine the big picture of wind development across the Moraine to determine where development
might be possible, where it should not occur and how the policies, designations and evaluation
requirements of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act and Plan should be used in wind
development EAs. We request that the Province examine the question “how much is too much wind
development across the Moraine?” Under the Green Energy Act there appears to be no upper limit of
energy infrastructure projects that might be permitted on the Oak Ridges Moraine. How will the
Province determine how many projects are too many? STORM believes that a cumulative impact or
strategic level EA is required and furthermore that STORM be invited to contribute to its design.

Furthermore, since no single body such as the Niagara Escarpment Commission is tracking development
across the entire Moraine, STORM requests that it be circulated in a similar manner as the Niagara
Escarpment Commission on all wind related developments.

In conclusion, Save The Oak Ridges Moraine Coalition (STORM) respectfully recommends the following:

. That the Province of Ontario halt the awarding of Feed-in Tariff contracts and approval of wind
energy infrastructure projects on the Moraine until full environmental assessments be made

. That the Province of Ontario immediately undertake the development of a cumulative
assessment or strategic level environment assessment to examine the big picture of wind
development across the Oak Ridges Moraine, and
. That the Province formally circulate to STORM notices of all wind development applications and

STORM would be pleased to meet with you and your staff to discuss our concerns and
recommendations to properly plan for and manage wind development on the Moraine. Thank you for
this opportunity to express our concerns.


Signed March 1, 2012

Graham Whitelaw, PhD, MCIP, RPP

STORM Board of Directors


Hon. Jim Bradley, Minister of Environment

Hon. Kathleen Wynne, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Hon. Michael Gravelle, Minister of Natural Resources

Hon. Chris Bentley, Minister of Energy

Hon. Bob Chiarelli, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure


From the February 9th issue of The Milbrook Times... an article on how supportive the council of Cavan Monaghan is of its citizens concerned about industrial wind power plants proposed for this beautiful scenic region:
CM Council takes stand on
By Cathy Bond
After receiving for information a report from the City of Kawartha Lakes on “Renewable Energy approvals Review Process Update”, the Cavan Monaghan Council has decided to follow the same route by forwarding a letter to the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Environment, the Minister of Energy, MP Barry Devolin, MPP Laurie Scott, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) regarding Industrial Wind Turbines (IWT).
The Cavan Monaghan Township letter will incorporate one change; whereas the City of Kawartha Lakes is proposing a review fee of $2,000., Cavan Monaghan Council is proposing a fee of $10,000.
“This more in keeping with our regular fee structures,” said Kyle Phillips, Chief Building Officer/By-Law Enforcement officer, at the February 6, 2012 Regular Council Meeting. 
The letter will request:
That the Province implement a reliable and accredited process to evaluate the impact of low frequency noise and perceptible infrasound (vibration) attributed to IWT,and establish minimum requirements and mitigation measures for proponents to implement; and
That until such time as low frequency noise and perceptible infrasound from IWTs is
 reviewed and mitigated through the REA  approval process and based on conclusive and and independent clinical health studies that eliminate the potential of adverse impacts to health, safety, and well-being of the public, the Province be requested to implement a moratorium on approvals of IWT projects in Ontario; and      
That in the absence of the recommended moratorium on approvals of IWT projects,the province be requested to implement a minimum setback of two km from the base of an IWT to the property line of any sensitive receptor ;and
That a review fee of $10,000 be established by the Township of Cavan Monaghan to offset costs and resources utilized to review, coordinate and complete the Municipal consultation form required as input into REA approval process, and that this recommended fee to retroactively charged to include all active applications currently under review by the Township; and
That the Province be requested to consider amendments to the Green Energy Act and REA approval process that prescribe and give greater weight and consideration to meaningful consultation with both municipalities and the local community, and including a requirement for demonstrated municipal and local community support as a condition of project approval by the Minister of the Environment; and
That the Province be requested to require all Class 3,4 and 5 wind projects under O.Reg.359/09 to be subject to full Environmental Assessments.”
The motion to approve the content of the letter was put forth by Deputy Mayor McFadden and seconded by Councillor Todd. A recorded vote was requested and all Council members voted yes.

The Top Ten False and Misleading Claims the Windpower Industry makes for Projects in the Eastern United States

1. Industrial wind developers are interested only in providing a public service.

Their primary purpose is to take advantage of extraordinary income sheltering opportunities... More...

2. Windplants do not harm wildlife.

Despite industry insistence this won't happen, it already has... More...

3. Windplants will reduce the mining/burning of fossil fuels and lessen dependence on foreign oil.

The wind industry in the East will not put much of a dent in our reliance on fossil fuels. More...

4. Windplants are highly efficient and provide power for significant
numbers of homes.

Wind technology is relatively feckless. More...

5. Locals who oppose the wind industry are NIMBYS.

One of the most persistent hypocrisies from corporate wind... More...

6. Windplants will generate significant local revenue and increase
property values.

...two recently constructed windplants... have contributed virtually nothing to the local tax base. More...

7. The wind industry will create many local jobs.

This is a cruel untruth, especially in economically depressed areas... More...

8. Wind technology is noiseless and creates few disturbances.

Large wind turbines... create profound noise reverberations extending out... More...

9. Wind technology consists of "windmills" on "wind farms."

The reality is that they are mammoth industrial factories... More...

10. Those who are concerned about windpower are not true environmentalists.

The facts demonstrate otherwise. Notable environmentalists who have studied... More...


Fourth Line Theatre founder speaks out against wind turbines for Millbrook area, fears impact on outdoor theatre shows


By ED ARNOLD/Examiner Managing Editor


WOLFE ISLAND — From the shoreline of Kingston, Wolfe Island looks so picturesque with tiny windmills twirling along the background of its shores.

The closer you get the reality of those windmills become a science fiction movie scene or as Rob Winslow says "something out of a nightmare."

Winslow is the founder of the nationally acclaimed outdoor 4th Line Theatre in Cavan Monaghan Township just outside the picturesque, rolling hills of Millbrook that has been home to his family's farmland for five generations.

It is where he puts on his highly successful plays every summer that attract more than 12,000 people and where he has dedicated the last 20 years of his life building a culturally successful business in a heritage community.


Today we are at Wolfe Island to look at the wind turbines in place here since 2008. Winslow has not spoken publicly about the proposed wind turbines for Millbrook, but now feels he has to not just for his own survival and sanity but for the community's.

The current plan for wind turbines in Millbrook is five on local lands for which the landowners might receive

$10,000 a year to place just one of them on their property. The landowners have agreed to do this, but didn't discuss it with their neighbours.

It has become a divisive and controversial issue in Winslow's township, a community he cares deeply about.

He's in Wolfe Island where it too was once, and still is, a controversial subject. I've offered to take him there to try and discover more about these turbines, to get a better picture.

The picture is ugly and he is now more convinced then ever the turbines shouldn't be located in neighbourhoods or places with deep, natural beauty and heritage like the rolling hills and creeks of Millbrook.


Maybe along the sides of the 115, but not near homes, not near neighbours.

He shakes his head as we tour the island and stand in the midst of one group. He does a circle and counts 70 of them and there are 14 more.

"This is a nightmare. I feel so sick to my stomach for the people who will have to live beside these. I feel their pain and now feel more emotionally involved than ever and more than ever. I am convinced they should not be in our area."

He doesn't know if the sound, a constant whoosh sound, will have an impact on his theatre or if their height will allow them to be seen at the theatre, but he does know they could be even 100 feet taller than the 450-foot tall ones at Wolfe Island.

He does know they are ugly, far worse than he expected even after seeing photos and videos.

"This will be a disaster for Millbrook."

And there are the unknown questions much like Wolfe Island residents have and still have:

If five are built in Millbrook will it mean more in the future?

Will real estate values go down as they did on Wolfe Island where home assessments have dropped by as much as one third?

Are they a health issue?

One gentleman told us his assessment went down $100,000. Sure this means less in taxes, but he sometimes has to close his windows because of the sound and knows the value of the home he built 20 years ago has gone way down. He wonders if he would even be able to sell it.

Who would buy a house dwarfed among these monsters?

Winslow is more determined to meet with the provincial environment minister who will make the decision in Millbrook.

Incredibly, it will not be a local decision. It will not be a municipal council decision and will not be a planning or zoning decision — nor does it need any local approval.

The Green Power Act overrides everything, the province rules. And that stings at Winslow because "they don't live here and won't have to live here."

He says developers should also be worried. Who will move into a subdivision with these ghastly figures in their sights? The municipality should be worried. Who will build or move here with them in their midst?

They are legitimate questions as he surveys the surroundings.

Residents should also worry. They could go up beside them just as easy as the ones proposed on three parcels of land in Millbrook.

Winslow is worried.

"Maybe I will move to Ireland," he only half jokes.

He worries about the value of his land, his theatre, his neighbours, his community and his future.

Most of all he worries and wonders why these Millbrook sites were chosen.

He has met with the local community committee fighting them.

He has met with Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock MPP Rick Johnston, who represents Cavan Monaghan Township and has expressed some sympathy.

He believes deeply in green power. His theatre has no sound system, no electric lighting. He has practised green power.

"We're in a cultural heritage theatre and community. Our plays are about the local heritage done in a beautiful rural setting. It is what we are all about. These turbines are not conducive to the community. They are not visually pleasing. The areas they are planning to put these in have streams, rolling hills. The sad part is there is no self or local determination of this, it's another example of forcing things on a community and its people without any self-determination at all.

"Our council doesn't favour it and after seeing these, what person would be in favour of them?

"They are so close to homes (450 to 550 feet setbacks were required).

"I'm witnessing this dividing the community, friends and neighbours. What's most disturbing is this anxiety in individuals. It breaks down the community, a strong community and that's unfortunate. You can see and feel the stress people are going through and it's really difficult to deal with."

He is stepping forward, as he did with the town hall sale and developers moving into the community, a battle he participated in for several years and now finds he is joining another one, but says he has no fears of going public.

"I want what's best for the community and have a successful heritage business and I want it to continue with its success. This is a complex and complicated story but if it means anything to you, you have to take some kind of position and at least express your concerns and investigate or I would never forgive myself.

"Everyone should have an opinion and express themselves."

Ironically many of the turbines and the power station on Wolfe Island, a community of about 1,200 people, are on 4th Line Road, which is what his theatre was named after, the original name of the township road now known as Zion Line.

He looks at the creatures, these turbines, and shakes his head that someone could propose five of them in their beautiful community.

He wrote to his MPP: "The proliferation of industrial wind turbines in the proximity of our theatre will be disastrous for our cultural heritage operation. Sounds from the blades, the flicker effect (sun shining on the blades), and the visual distraction of the structures will take away from and compromise the integrity of our artist aesthetic. Large industrial turbines nearby will likely spell the end or our award-winning community-based professional theatre."

It's not clear if the audience will see or hear them, it's not clear if the province would stop at allowing five or others will be put up in and around the theatre. His theatre is in the middle of the study area and that could mean more turbines, maybe on all sides of it just as they are today where we stand on the island, 86 of them when 24 were first proposed.

The company that built them, TransAlta, calls them "majestic."

The province is facing complaints and controversy throughout Ontario as the Ontario Power Authority has approved 184 of these projects. In this area they would be located on lands bounded by County Rd. 21, Hwy. 28, Hutchinson Dr. and Zion Line. These are the lands of farmers, retired doctors, people who have recently moved there for peace and quiet, people who have invested more than $1 million to renovate their homes; people who have lived there forever. People.

Wolfe Island residents faced the same issues but they were built anyway.

The power from the turbines in Wolfe Island is shipped by an underwater cable to Kingston. The people in Kingston probably don't care about the turbines on the island; as long as they can turn up their air conditioners and television sets. He says again, half jokingly but in the same sentence asking, "why would they?"

And wonders "will Peterborough?" And again he asks "why would they? They aren't located in the city where many people may be desensitized to the wonders of nature."

Wolfe Island is home to the second largest turbine project in Canada. Each turbine has three massive blades on each base, the highest is 80 metres or 262 feet, the total height of the mast and blade at the top is 415 feet or 125 metres and you can see them for miles away. They are four to six times higher than a farmer's silo but moving at all times.

While we are there they are moving at about 12 revolutions per minute, you can hear the whoosh but it isn't

loud. The blades do go four times faster than that. This morning the noise was louder say residents. It really depends on how strong the wind is, which way it is blowing and which way you are facing them.

Residents on Wolfe Island say there are studies going on to see if there are any health hazards but it is too soon for results. They say before the turbines went up there was too much secrecy, little community input and what public meetings there were, were staged, not much more than a courtesy.

The power company says annual energy produced by them is 594,000 MWh enough to power 75,000 homes annually.

Those figures won't help communities rise above the permanent planting of these giants.

It probably won't help that former Ontario environment minister John Gerretsen (and Kingston and The Islands MPP) said when he saw the Wolfe Island turbines that "they are part of the future. It's a balancing act, but as far as I'm concerned, it's the way to go."

To get away from coal-fuelled power generating plants. He pointed out an industry-supported study showed no health affects, no health risks and boiled neighbours concerns down to "annoyance."

"Some people don't like wind turbines. The vast majority of people do" Gerretsen told the Kingston Whig Standard.

"To me there is a lot of NIMBYism (Not In My Back Yard) involved. Some like the look of them, some don't."

As for those who might say sure some people in Millbrook and area are complaining and they are part of the NIMBY, Winslow responds "Yes, and you fight for your backyard; and this township and its people should."

Winslow also believes their township is part of the province's beautiful backyard and it should find another place for companies to put their wind turbines.

Maybe along the highways.

The environment minister is on record as saying some people like the looks of the turbines, others don't.

Count me as one who didn't. I'd suggest township residents take the 2 ½-hour drive, cross the free ferry off Ontario St., beside the Tim Hortons and go on this journey, remembering the Wolfe Island project started out as 24. Go to the island and let me know if you would buy a house or build a house there.

And while this is a column about Rob Winslow's visit to the island, this came across the wire this week in defence of wind energy:

"Investments in wind energy are creating thousands of jobs, driving hundreds of millions of dollars in economic benefits for rural communities, and creating a cleaner environment — at prices that are competitive with other new sources of electricity, says the Canadian Wind Energy Association in response to recent statements about the cost of electricity by Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak.

"Ontarians are not paying more for clean energy, they are paying more for new energy," stated Robert Hornung, president of the Canadian Wind Energy Association.

"Utilities around the world are investing in wind energy because it has already demonstrated it is cost competitive with a number of technologies and will become even more cost-competitive in the future. Over the long term, the cost of wind energy is projected to continue to decline while the costs of other technologies are projected to grow in response to increased fuel costs or environmental regulations like carbon pricing."

Winslow is not against wind energy or new forms of green energy, he is against what he believes is the slaughter of beautiful communities with no say, none, on where the turbines are located.

We view the huge hydro lines running across fields along our way back on the 401 and liken those visual blights to the turbines, "except," Winslow says, "they don't move all day long."

NOTES: A tax assessment hearing, which began on Wolfe Island earlier this month, could be precedent setting. An Islander couple is claming noise and lights have lowered their property value, the township and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation are opposing the claim. A local real estate agent is quotes as saying: "It's not so much how much your house is devalued. It's that you can't sell it."

The hearing heard some sales were slow; other sellers got more than the value…. Wolfe Island is the largest of the Thousand Islands.