ID#: 2116977 Status: For Sale   Date Listed: 2024-05-29

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883 Roderick Avenue, Sudbury Ontario

883 Roderick Avenue, Sudbury Ontario
custom built 3000 square foot executive bungalow sits in one of sudbury's most prestigious neighborhoods. this all brick home features southern exposure with two covered patios and a walk out basement. the oversized windows on the west side wall allows for natural light and displays exquisite views of lake ramsey. there is a spacious kitchen with tons of cabinetry. this home is 3+2 bedrooms with 3 full baths. lake views from the primary bedroom, which also features a walk in closet and ensuite! 100% carpet free. the attached double garage has finished storage underneath. the oak staircase leads to a spacious family room, a covered walkout and two additional bedrooms or office or exercise room. there is also the potential for an extra bedroom with a walk-in closet. for those cool evenings, there is a gas fireplace and so much more. don't miss this superb home.
Type: Residential
Sewer: Municipal
Date Listed: 2024-05-29
Type: Single Family
Bedrooms: 5Bathrooms: 3
Heating: Forced Air, Natural Gas
Exterior: Brick
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883 Roderick Avenue, Sudbury Ontario

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